Rant and sadness blogs 

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So... my art teacher. I mean, what the hell man? First of all, she tells me to do EVERYTHING for her. It's always ME. Why me? I mean, there are at least two more responsible kids in that class than I am, but oh NO she always asks me. I have to do this for her, that for her, UGH. DRIVES ME NUTS. I know I'm responsible (to a degree, I still lose my glasses on my face), and I try and keep myself that way So, she sends this chick out for the hour kay? And she can't find the principal to let him know that the chick is going to the office. He was probably out of the building, and I had no idea where...

by PeinQAkatsuki - Comments: 7 - Views: 297
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by amaterasu - Comments: 4 - Views: 278
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Rant and sadness blogs 220276

This is all.

by azuki_dashi16 - Comments: 1 - Views: 263
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It really does.

I've been meaning to write a rant anyways about a number of things. So this is will sound a little disjointed. But what the hell do I care? It's 2:00 a.m. I don't care.

I mean, life isn't as awful as it could be, but hell, I'm allowed to complain, right?
So if my last exam is now on Monday, because there's a random snow day, and I have to study on a weekend that I was originally going to goof off on, and now I can't watch Zombieland with Aichu, and we only have one day off before school instead of two, am I not allowed to be a little pissed off?

by sabaku no ketsueki - Comments: 7 - Views: 293
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how many days must I watch those I care about suffer and leave. for 7 days I watched my life disappear. thats all it took just 7 days. 7 days for me to feel lonely with no one to talk to. -sigh- thats why my life sucks then we go swimming.

by NightKitsuneQ - Comments: 3 - Views: 336
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man...just made a mistake one day...its all over now...
to feel and know that you've hurt somebody to the point where they dont
want to listen to what you say...it hurts...not as much as what your own
stupid mouth said...but still, hurts nonetheless...

18But the things that come out
of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' 19For out of the heart come
evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false
testimony, slander. 20These
are what make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not
make him 'unclean.' " (matthew...

by Choushi - Comments: 1 - Views: 375
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by amaterasu - Comments: 21 - Views: 323
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You. Are.
Not Your.

That drives me nuts like no others.

Honestly. So much. so much.

It's gotten to the point that I scream whenever I see it.

I know it drives other people nuts too.
So let's rally our hate against Your/you're!

Youre drives me nuts too. But not quite as much. Dx

by Meika-Chan - Comments: 13 - Views: 261
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how many times a day do you feel like you've been taken advantage of, or if someone you try to help, doesnt thank you? The answer for me is just about everyday. I do my best everyday to help one friend accomplish something that day. Call me a saint...psych. The thing is everytime they complete something they thank theirselves which was fine for like the first 5 times i helped them. But now they think i have nothing to do with what they accomplish which is total bullshit. Because without me, they wouldnt be where they are today. Ungreatful Asshole.

by Destinykil - Comments: 4 - Views: 1080
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Its been 2 days and they still barely have any help or aid over there. I keep seeing it on the news and reading about it, and its horrifying. I feel so lucky for where I live and that I am safe, but there's gotta be thousands of people out there who lost loved ones or their livelihoods.

I mean, it hit a place already burdened with so much hardship and lack of resources and money.

Its nice that people are pledging to give money to help the country, but that's not what it needs now, it needs the aid, the blankets, medicine etc that we have but apparently some charities have...

by CLAIRVOYANTdisease - Comments: 6 - Views: 254
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so ive come to the point of no return with banks i may even set out to rob one they have no problem robbing my money with all these fucking fee's i don't know about. they need to do their fuckin' job and let me know exactly what i have left after i spend, no instead they weait 5 days and tell me i still have shitloads of cash and next thing you, next check rolls around and im close to fuckin' poor.

by Destinykil - Comments: 7 - Views: 368
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Well, last night, I started to smell something awful funny. The cat had been in my room for the past hour or so. What I failed to realize though, is that she was putting off a smell...

I ignored it a bit, then got mad when she decided to knock my stuff over, and destroy my bed. So, I got up, and decided to check things out... Luckily, the box she had knocked over was empty, but then I looked at my bed, and it was covered in furballs and her poop... My brother had refused to clean his cat's mess, so I had to... After I was done, I picked it up, and threw it into the washing machine, as...

by Lunami - Comments: 4 - Views: 291
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I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday, and she began to insult my
faith, with what she knows nothing of. But, since I didn't belong to
hers, she decided to block me, even though we had been friends for
quite the long time. The last line she stated was "Have fun in hell,
I'm sure it'd at least be warm, then maybe you could be quiet on how
cold it is too."

I do not go around professing my faith, nor trying to convince others
to join me for a simple reason. My faith was made by me, and as such, I
made it extremely personal to myself. Anyone...

by Lunami - Comments: 5 - Views: 332
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i know everyone has their hardships and everyone thinks their life is fucked up but how much do you really know about your life and its value? My life alwahys seems to plummet when i work, stress builds and my mind goes into a state of lunacy and im ready to snap the next person i see's neck. and im very capable of doing it.

by Destinykil - Comments: 0 - Views: 275
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I've been listening to this song now for... the past 24 hours now, and going. (Lyrics and a link to the one I'm listening to in the spoiler... note, it's depressing) This song is incredibly depressing to me, but I've been impulsively listening to it for this long now.

During this time, I've done a lot of thinking, a lot more than I would normally do.
Me thinking = Bad / crazy. They don't call me the Poetic Nightmare for nothing, you know.

Lately things have just been completely insane. We're already on the verge of losing this house again. If it happens, hello move...

by Lunami - Comments: 3 - Views: 312
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There's an idiot in school who thinks he's best buddies with me and my friends, but we think he's super annoying. When we try to ignore him, he sulks and acts all emo and doesn't talk to us. Like this Rant and sadness blogs 18475 Rant and sadness blogs 436601 . When he pisses us off, we yell at him in the face and he smiles and says "okay, okay, I'll stop" And then he act like we are best buddies again 2 seconds later. And what's worse is that the teacher made me sit next...

by AngelUchiha - Comments: 6 - Views: 337
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Why dose it seem that no matter how hard I try... life seems to bite me hard in the ass? I've tried being nice, i've tried to get achivements to boost my confedence... didn't work... >_

by Darkflame - Comments: 38 - Views: 555
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Rant and sadness blogs 102337 Rant and sadness blogs 102337 Rant and sadness blogs 102337

the emotes says it all. i got a shot today myself. a lot of people are saying that shot will get you sick more than the virus itself. but then there are others that say that they have a bit of the virus in the vaccine. that confuses me. at this point i'm not worried. at all. but i'm notsure if i should be or not. nothing bad happened...

by Toshii - Comments: 13 - Views: 401
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I was really unsure about blogging about this...since its pretty idk personal sorta..

Well i had senior project due today....and i ended up not turning it in cuz i never finished it and its costing me my grade...I feel so so very stupid for not finishing it..T___T i feel like this is the biggest screw up mistake i've ever made. I hate myself for this a lot...and has really kicked my new yrs resolution down the drain

Rant and sadness blogs 761491

by CrispinFreemanWatcher16 - Comments: 14 - Views: 375
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XD I will rant about a frustration I ish not gonna tell XD

Really! I ish upset about something! D: It's annoying! I HATE IT. D: *ish trying to type with teh first letter in teh uppercase but realizes that the way I type destroys teh point of teh rule of teh something on teh english thingy thingy - i forgot. Pity *

ANYWAY! D: I ish upset. It is bothering me....

by neon kun - Comments: 6 - Views: 344
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A war between me and my cousin over Facebook
So far, I'm winning.

(Riiiight here, I have a link where Gene Simmons from KISS says that, "KISS always fashioned themselves as the Beatles on steroids, with lots more makeup and higher shoes" and more about how KISS was based off of the Beatles and blah blah blah.)

[Taken straight from FB, with last names and time edited out:]

Thomas: this proves nothing... u could hav made that! XD

Abby: And how could I have made it? For starters, I don't work...

by Always-Abby - Comments: 25 - Views: 812
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Today I found out that the drummer in my favourite band died ):

Jimmy Sullivan from Avenged Sevenfold T_T

He was only like 28 too... which is so young to die ._.

Apparantly it was due to natural causes but I don't think drugs and alcohol or his lifestyle will have helped.

Its just sad cause it was the LAST person I would have guessed would have died today, and its like a crappy ending to a bad year for celebrities health wise [well..death wise..]

Its just made me think who could be next, like its funny how news just hits you..

by CLAIRVOYANTdisease - Comments: 16 - Views: 310
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after reading Clair chan's blog, my little complaint is really just nothing compared to it. D: i just wanted to write this and rant. :|| Dazed i'm with faifai so i'm not completely alone and stuff. XD really. it's just that i wanted to spend christmas break with mikel while having fun! but he has work T______T and when he got over his headache yesterday, we were told he had to go somewhere to do something about a problem on his stupid work thingy thingy....

by neon kun - Comments: 36 - Views: 516
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Yeah, so some people apparently broke into Auschwitz concentration camp and stole the sign at the entrance "Arbeit Macht Frei" or 'Work Sets You Free'~

They've got to have planned it cause they knew where the security cameras were and perfected their getaway... plus I've been to Auschwitz and that sign was pretty damn big.

I think its a bloody insult that anyone could steal that... especially since it was crafted by prisoners in the camp. Whatever your opinion on the camp being kept open and people being able to visit, that's just low. I mean, I know some people...

by CLAIRVOYANTdisease - Comments: 21 - Views: 327
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Rant and sadness blogs 761491 Rant and sadness blogs 761491 Rant and sadness blogs 761491 Rant and sadness blogs 761491 Rant and sadness blogs 80593


First off, I'm sorry for double posting, but I didn't want to spam up the Personal Blogs, with wrongly-placed posts....

by UreshiiQ - Comments: 3 - Views: 261
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I mean...-_- the only teachers that ever really liked me were...my Kindergarten teacher!

After that, they all just..ignore me .__. I could go to talk to my teacher this year, and she'll ignore me! I'll be raising my hand, and she won't pay attention, til someone snaps or something! TT_TT Then, my friends just leave in a middle of a conversation...I mean I realize people have a life, but DURING EVERY CONVO?!

I also suck at Math, Science is killing me, and I should get things right, but I don't

by UreshiiQ - Comments: 26 - Views: 490
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Another thing that ticks me off about guys.
According to Annie, it's something Asian guys do.

So there's this guy, right? I guess we used to be pretty close, but I've been finding him to be very annoying these past few months.

We got into a whole bunch of "drama" last year because he was all "I don't like you anymore" and I was all "That's cool and good". He told me himself that he liked another girl, right? So I found that cool, but then he gets all...

by theBOSS. - Comments: 6 - Views: 683
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My mom has been a complete jerk for the past few years and it's boiled down to my parents splitting up. She blames it on my dad and we all blame it on her. why? well she cheated on my dad two times and she's an unfit mother. My mother loves to party like she's still 16 but she's not. I don't like to be near her, I don't like her touching me and I won't put her clothes in the washer/dryer because she's been sleeping with other men. it makes me sick to know that she's married and sleeping with other men who are married or are divorced.

I have to hold onto my dad's bills, documents and...

by Temari - Comments: 3 - Views: 429
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Seriously. When did things stop making sense in the world?

My friends are doing things that I will never understand, my abilties in school have been completely reversed, and I wish I had a third thing, because then this would sound so much more professional.

But really. I guess the school work one is a rather pathetic thing to be ranting about, but why can I not do English this year? Why do I suddenly suck in English? I can't write anymore. I don't know why. I miss my old English teacher, because the one I have this year is BORING! I mean, really. I hate studying...

by sabaku no ketsueki - Comments: 10 - Views: 326
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I don't really have anything to Rant about, and I don't know if what I am feeling is considered sad, perhaps just depressed. I bet (new thought that just popped into my head) that I have depression, because I heard that it comes and goes, but perhaps that is life.

Although I wouldn't be surprised if it was depression, I almost lost my grand father to depression way back when.

So I will just talk about things that are bothering me, if that is okay with you guys, maybe by the end of this I will move this to the personal one, because it could go there I guess.

by amaterasu - Comments: 4 - Views: 286
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