Hyori: *korean* You need to break the crabs in half.
Henny: *brokenupkorean* ... >_> You should do that, since I had to use my hands to pick them out of the water bucket.
Hyori:*korean* Don't be scared. They're dead. *picks up a crab*
Henny: They are? *looking at the crab in Hyori's hand*
Hyori: *english* The time is now! *takes other hand and punches the top of the crab.. HARD*
Henny: O____O *english* ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
Hyori: :] *does that again*
Henny: GOD! >_>
Hyori: *Inkorean* We need to cut this radish.
Henny: *korean* Oh. We use a knife?
Hyori: *korean* No, in Korea, we use our teeth to cut the radish -joking-
Henny: *enligsh* ... The knife?
Hyori: *korean* No, this is.. korean... *english* CULTURE. uses her teeth to cut the radish*
Henny: .... *staring at her as if she's crazy*
Hyori: *picks up the part she bit off* *korean* Like this! You try.
Henny: ... *tries, holds his teeth* *Korean* It hurts Dx
Hyori: *Starts biting the skin off with her front tooth.. faster*
Henny: >_>;;
Hyori: *stops* *korean*Let's use a knife!
Henny: O__O;;;..... -____-;;
Hyori: *english* Ah- Ah.. JOKE!
Hyori: *korean* Okay, this is daengjang, gochoojang, and gangjang.
Henny: *takes ramen spices out of jacket pocket* :]
Hyori: *korean* No! These (points to dj, gcj, and gj) are God-made. That is human made. That's bad D: Okay, go into that room over there and get the top for this pot.
Henny: *does so*
Hyori: *korean* That lids too big D:
Henny: *english* That's okay. At least the lids not too small.
Hyori: . . . -didnt understand a thing- ..Yeah... *korean* The lid's too big D: Get another one
Henny: *does as he's told*
(Hyori goes into the room to do something)
Henny: *looks around* >_> *takes the ramen spice out of his jacket pocket and pours it into the soup*
Hyori: *comes out after he's done* ... *goes over to the soup and checks up on it by smelling* *english* You.. want to die?!
Henny: ><
Hyori: *tastes* but it tastes good :O
Henny: :D