Lovers of the Light
Lovers of the light unite
While the Dawn emerges from the dusty night
A newly born phoenix rising into the sky
While the lovers of the night
Scurry to find shade
Away from the Dawn's watching eye
As angels swirl throughout the sky
As glorious colors surround the Lone Giant Star
As the Heavens glow softly
As messengers, born of a feather
Sound their joy as the Lone Giant Star
Ascends for its bed
The struggle between the twilight
And the glowing Dawn
Resonates through time
Generations split between love and lust
As siblings, even lovers
Fight on the clashing sides
This battle decides the fate of the world
Those who love the glittering night sky
And those who love the Dawn
Those who lust and crave for darkness
And those who want to glow
In the warm golden rays of the Lone Giant Star
Which side do you choose?