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    Rant on stuff (warning, not a field trip)


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    Rant on stuff (warning, not a field trip) Empty Rant on stuff (warning, not a field trip)

    Post by amaterasu

    Now, first off, I don't express hatred towards any of the people who
    may belong to the social or ethnic groups I talk about below. If
    anything I type offends you, just be like, man this offended me, and I
    will probably answer you ina way I can't think of right now.

    Also I am not really into this politically correctness (I may do my speech on that this year..... Rant on stuff (warning, not a field trip) 200702 )

    So, after doing some voluntary and involuntary research, I have
    discovered some of the following (others probably have discovered this
    as well)

    First off, truth is opposite and incompatible with Tolerance.

    Because Truth in its very nature is intolerant and exclusive, and in
    society today, those terms are up there with racism and such.
    But here is why truth is so.

    say there are 5 sayings, and one of them is true
    The true saying will exclude the other saying from being true, and that makes sense, if it doesn't then I can't really help you.
    And then it does NOT tolerate them to claim to be truth. So basically truth condemns lies and casts them down.

    So when a Christian says that jesus is the ONLY way to heaven, and they
    use John 14:6 (Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the
    life. No one comes to the Father except through me.) They are saying,
    the truth is Jesus, he claimed to be so, and thus everything else is a
    lie, and thus is wrong. That includes the Muslims and the Buddhists and
    the Hindus and the Atheist and the other religions, even those weird
    cults like Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.

    When someone says the Law of God is true, it means that they are saying
    what the law says is wrong, is wrong, easy as that, murder, lying,
    homosexuality, and so on.

    The basis for truth is terrible to the ear of one who does not live in
    the truth, however to one who lives in the truth, the truth is a
    beautiful sound.

    Society today (or at least in Canada and the United States in some
    states) it is almost fact that one must be tolerant and politically
    correct and that materialism is the way to go, and evolution is true.

    But the truth is that Society is Evil, and is leading people to hell,
    where they will burn because they were deceived by these crappy lies.

    Seriously, whoever believes that evolution is true, is ignorant of some
    very simple mathematical and scientific facts. And you have the most
    amount of faith in the world, or your stupid, I'm sorry, there is no
    easy way of putting it.

    And believing this whole Evolution + Creation is as bad.

    Because the simple fact is that we didn't evolve, it is IMPOSSIBLE

    the Mathematical probability is 1 in 10 to the power of 1024

    That is so close to 0 that it makes things like winning a lottery 100%

    and that is pretty improbable.

    Also Society tells us that we should respect people's opinions and to
    be politically correct (I really forget the meaning of it, but meh).

    While I say that we shouldn't go kill everyone who thinks different,
    and we have should respect people. You don't need tor espect someone
    else's ideas, I mean if someone thinks its okay to kill babies by
    chopping off their legs, you wouldn't say "Mate, I don't agree with
    you, but I respect your opinion" no, who would?
    respect the person

    if someone is a homosexual
    you can say
    "man I respect you as a person, but I got to tell you, that being homosexual is wrong, and I hope you would change"

    There is nothing wrong with that, but people will say, oh well, just
    because they do something that you don't like, or agree with, doesn't
    make it wrong.

    However remember the fact about truth?
    if the truth is that we were created straight, man for a woman and a
    woman for a man, as it is, than saying homosexuality is okay, is a lie.
    And it is something that we cannot tolerate to exist. Not to say kill
    everyone, because that would be mean.
    But (side track) I noticed that we in the West don't get death
    sentences. And I only realized this after readying one of the
    Corinthians (1st I think) where he quotes from Deuteronomy and sasy you
    must purge the evil from among you. And when the law was given to
    moses, the Isrealites were to be pure, and to purge any evil that may
    corrupt them, which is why adultery and other crimes have consequences
    of stoning and death.
    But a lot of people don't get that, or that they can't, or do want to get it.

    And maybe that is what is wrong in our society, people don't want to
    admit they are wrong,and they don't want to have to change their
    worldview, and they don't want to be held accountable, which is why
    tolerance has become so important. And perhaps if we were all a little
    less Proud, and were perhaps a lot more humble and willing to submit to
    the truth, wherever it may lie (and in case you were wondering, there
    are people who have found the truth, and I don't want to boast, but I
    among Q and many others have found it, and submitted to it, which has
    begun a change in each of us [I am talking about Jesus] that [speaking
    for all, but at the very least, for myself] is awesome, just awesome,
    plain and simple). That was an epic quote by the way, two quotes inside
    a quote, anyway it seems that people are lazy sloths and to take the
    time and really look for the truth or look at the solid facts is too
    much of a challenge and the idea of believing in something paper thin
    is a much better idea.And when they are proven wrong, or guilty, they
    don't know what to do, they will try their hardest to save themselves
    to make themselves look good, or get rid of their guilt. But they don't
    want to live righteously, because they love sin and wickedness; and
    sadly most people alive today on this planet love wickedness and sin
    and refuse to turn away from it, because they love it so much, no
    knowing they are rejecting something much better.

    I think the words from one of Phil Joel's songs called My generation says it best

    "Watch you walking away, it's driving me crazy, it's my generation"

    People are deceived and its so annoying, and their stubbornness is almost unbearable.

    But don't think that I am an except of this, because I know full well
    that even as I sit here typing this, I am comdemning myself, so I say
    that is is better for me to be condemned and redeemed in the truth than
    to continue and think I am innocent. I can also tell you that there
    will be no one alive on this planet who will hate me more than I do,
    and I can assume confidently that it is the same for every person.

    Something else though, that bugs me is the accepted though of Justice, Mercy and Grace.

    I guarantee if you ask 10 people randomly what is the definition of grace, 8/10 at least will not say this
    Grace is getting what we do not deserve.

    Justice is getting what we deserve
    Mercy is not getting what we deserve
    Grace is getting what we do not deserve.

    And it bugs me that people cry out for injustice when someone dies.

    Oh so-and-so was a good person, he never killed or committed a crime, was a good student, why did he have to die at 25 (lets say).

    but the truth is we are all guilty of sin, and thus deserve to die, that is justice. When someone dies, it is never a case of injustice, and it may sound harsh, but that is how it goes. it is written that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God

    also in another place that the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

    And its not a case of sinning once or twice (by the way, sin is a thought, an action, or a word that breaks God's law)

    If I asked you or anyone, have you ever lied, or stolen anything, or wanted somethign someone else had, or committed adultery (even looking with lust in your eyes is adultery) or killed someone (even hating someone in your heart so much that you say [I could kill him/her] is murdering them in your heart) everyone would say, well yeah, I guess I have at one point or another.
    But the fact is that we haven't sinned a couple times, I would say for myself I have sinned about 10,000 times at the most right now in my life, and if I live a long life I might sin 50,000 or even 100,000 times.

    But everyone younger here on this site would probably have sinned between 1,000 and 10,000 times.

    can you imagine someone who broke the law 1,000 in our society?

    That isn't even possible, justice would have been dealt upon him long before that point. Can you now imagine how Merciful and Patient God has been with us? Can you see why Hell is the punishment for us if we reject God and don't accept salvation? Our sins condemn us so much.

    Also people always say that Hell is unfair for a punishment

    but is you sin against a Baby, it will cry
    if you sin against your girlfriend/boyfriend they will break up with you (depending on gender)
    if you sin against your husband/wife, they may divorce you,
    if you sin against the law, you go to court
    if you sin against the government, you can possibly die, or go to jail for the rest of your life.

    As the authority gets higher, the consequence for sinning against that authority also gets higher, so sinning against God, who is infinitely graeter than any authority on earth, how much more terrible will teh consequence be?

    and so I know I got off topic, but this is a rant, and its me.

    Actually, we are more intolerant than tolerant, or we should be

    Because we do not tolerate anything innately evil like child rape or anything like that, to say we are tolerate would be hypocritical, because we would only be tolerate to things that are not against our law.

    I would go on, but its late and I have things to do tomorrow
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    Post Sat Sep 12 2009, 23:37 by SickSelfishSyQo

    Ama, have you ever seen the movie (or read the book) The Mist??

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 00:11 by quater


    Oh, SSS. That was hilarious, that line. You crack me up.

    If you're thinking is that Ama and Mrs. Carmody are anything alike, you're a real hoot. ^_^

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 00:25 by SickSelfishSyQo

    I try.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 00:27 by quater

    ^_^ Its just too funny.

    I saw someone make that claim about Christians in an online blog once, but I didn't think anyone could actually think that about us in real life, and it made me laugh then too. XD XD XD Or at least, someone as harmless as Amaterasu. XD

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 00:35 by SickSelfishSyQo

    I don't know if he goes on and makes speeches like this in real life. I'm assuming not. If he does not launch into biblical lecture when he see's something that is 'wrong' then that makes the similarity much much smaller.

    Why do see Ama's crazy ranting potential?? Because I have actually met people like that.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 00:43 by quater

    I think you read way too much into things, SSS. I could easily write the same rant if I felt like it.

    Its a blog. Its a way meant to express yourself. And sometimes you've just got a ton of thoughts and writing them helps.

    As for Carmody, she was an attempt at symbolizing the Christian faith as a Cult at times of crisis, but it was a really bad one. I always found it laughable and looked at her as closer to Waco Texas than Christianity. Way closer.

    The fact that someone out there besides that blogger actually thinks Christians, and Amaterasu of all of them are a lot like that is just too funny XD XD XD But its also kind of sad, you really have a scarred outlook on us.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 00:50 by SickSelfishSyQo

    And if you had been the one who wrote that exact same thing, my post would have been the same. ^^

    I know all christians are not like that. The majority of my family is christian. I was, at one point. There are some extremists though, just like in every other religion.

    I know it is, which is why I did not present any argument or anything like that.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 00:52 by quater


    I don't disagree there are extremists. But I also don't think you're a Christian, noffense. Or ever were, I mean.

    Still hirarious, though. I mean, its Carmody. I find the premise of monsterous Mist easier to believe.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 00:56 by SickSelfishSyQo

    I am not a christian. But why was I never one??

    I would certainly hope that if I was I that scenario (being in a grocery store with mist monsters waiting outside to eat me) that somebody like her would not be around. ^^

    Oh! So you agree with the mist monster theory, huh?? Now we're getting somewhere!! Rant on stuff (warning, not a field trip) 264132

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 01:04 by quater

    To be a Christian, or a true believer is a lot more than going to church or reading your Bible or even daily prayer and fasting, so if that's what you think it takes, then I'd have to say you never were one.

    I would certainly hope if I was in that situation I'd have be in a Wal-Mart and not a grocery store.

    Of coursen't.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 01:06 by SickSelfishSyQo

    quater wrote:To be a Christian, or a true believer is a lot more than going to church or reading your Bible or even daily prayer and fasting, so if that's what you think it takes, then I'd have to say you never were one.

    I would certainly hope if I was in that situation I'd have be in a Wal-Mart and not a grocery store.

    Of coursen't.

    I can confidently say I know what it takes to be a christian, then ^^

    XD Or a mall??


    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 01:13 by quater

    SickSelfishSycho wrote:
    quater wrote:To be a Christian, or a true believer is a lot more than going to church or reading your Bible or even daily prayer and fasting, so if that's what you think it takes, then I'd have to say you never were one.

    I would certainly hope if I was in that situation I'd have be in a Wal-Mart and not a grocery store.

    Of coursen't.

    I can confidently say I know what it takes to be a christian, then ^^

    XD Or a mall??


    And I can confidently say you never were one ^_^ And you can argue with me on that, but we both know 'I never listen', because I am too busy rebutting people line by line to listen afterall. ^_^ So we'll stop here, mkay?

    That's a good point! I just figured Wal-Mart was nice because they have that gun section.

    Then again, it might get invaded quicker that way. Hm.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 01:16 by SickSelfishSyQo

    Agree to disagree?? Super.
    oh the spaminess.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 01:22 by quater

    As always, it seems.

    No, a Mall wouldn't work. Every mall I've been too has tons of windows. It'd be too easy to invade. A wal-Mart is much better. Yep. I have decided this.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 01:49 by Mikel

    woah, that was long. hm, i get ama's point.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 08:27 by amaterasu

    Wal-mart's here don't have gun sections.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 14:44 by quater

    That's because you guys are anti-guns Ama.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 14:50 by amaterasu

    we aren't anti gun up here, you need a license to own and sell a gun here, and most people just don't have that I think

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 14:55 by quater

    I've heard its really difficult to get a license in Canada, is it true?

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 14:58 by amaterasu

    you have to do a course for two weeks or something and pass a test that includes 50 multiple choice questions

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 14:58 by quater

    That doesn't sound so bad, but I thought it was like they made you go through really really long waits between things.

    Then again, that could of been a different province.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 15:11 by amaterasu

    but it could be a country wide law, also you need to do something else to get a hunting license and so on.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 15:17 by quater

    Hm, okay! Just was curious.

    Post Sun Sep 13 2009, 15:28 by amaterasu

    yeah, okay

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