by quater Sun Nov 07 2010, 20:43
Yes? The PM's I sent to every Kage? Those are the PM's you should reply to. I am sorry you didn't get several candy grams over the past few months, but I'm busy, too. And I don't have time to keep track of every Leader. I do my best, but frankly I focus on the people who are active. Not the ones who haven't been on in forever.
Sure you haven't abandoned WOTN. But if I hadn't of made this thread, would you of posted today at all? Odds are no. So, the question is, when I say you've had no real activity since before September: What did I say that was false?
The reason the absences and gaps matter is it's been nearly continuous for 2 months. If you've read anything for the last few months in here it'd be: I need more active leaders.
Further, you just said you'd been posting regularly and said I was spreading 'false info'. I was proving to you, and anyone else who might read this, that I wasn't just 'passing out false info.'