Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for staying up late.
For serial. I don't sleep before 2 AM these days. It's probably not healthy, but hey. It's cool.
I don't really have anything interesting to say. I just felt like making a blog.
Actually! I ordered a CD last week, and I am super excited for it to come in. I didn't know you could order a CD at HMV just by going to the guy at the cash and just saying, "Ey. I want this." And now I wanttt it. My dad tells me "Just go get the songs from Limewire" but I want the actual CD. You know what I mean? It's so much cooler to have the CD than just the MP3 files. I love CDs.
I saw Eclipse tonight. We all got there wayyyyyyyy too early. But it's alright. The movie was average at best. There were some good lines, and that one fight scene was good, but really, I got bored about halfway through. I don't think the movie was bad, but watching the Twilight movies are slowly becoming less appealing to me. The first one, I was all excited; New Moon, I was like, yeah, ok. This one, it was just, whatever.
I should just listen to the guy on the radio who reviews the movies. I almost always agree with that guy. He's smart.
Inception comes out soon. I. Am. So. Freaking. Excited. Leonardo DiCaprio <3 is an awesome actor. Yeah, that's why I like him.
I want to go to more movies now that it's summer! Nyah! Oh well.
Other than that, my life is not worth writing a blog about. The only interesting thing I have to write about...I don't want to write about it. Ahaha. That's weird. I have been super distracted lately. Mhm.
So, since this is not an English essay, I don't care if that made any sense. Kthxbai!
Another 2 AM Blog
sabaku no ketsueki- Sanda
Number of posts : 22230
Age : 32
What's up Tab : Life is tough, but it's even tougher when you're stupid.
Fanclubs : Kabuto FC, Death Note FC
Village :
Happiness bar :
Registration date : 2007-09-19
Natural: 0
Power: 0
Instinct: 0
Re: Another 2 AM Blog
CDs ftw :D
I still buy CD's
also we should go see a movie tuesday
also we should go see a movie tuesday
CD's FTW indeed, pein, my dear! I am super impatient. I wantttttt that CD.
Yay! Tuesday! Cheap Night! :D
Yay! Tuesday! Cheap Night! :D
i'm with you on the sleeping thing
WANT.sabaku no ketsueki wrote:CD's FTW indeed, pein, my dear! I am super impatient. I wantttttt that CD.
Yay! Tuesday! Cheap Night! :D
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
xD That's how I get too! If I order a CD I'm like "Hey mom... did the mail come yet? Is there a CD in there?" *10 minutes later* "Hey Mom... Is the CD here yet?" xD