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    Genocide in Africa - You Found Me


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    Genocide in Africa - You Found Me Connorandmurphy
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    Genocide in Africa - You Found Me Empty Genocide in Africa - You Found Me

    Post by judai12 Sat Aug 01 2009, 11:31

    **View at your own discretion**

    Never again. After the Holocaust that exterminated 6 million Jews, after the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, after the genocide between the Hutu and Tutsis in Rwanda the world said never again. But here is the cold hard truth that it IS happening again.

    In Uganda the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has been terrorizing villages and cities for over twenty years. The leader of the LRA, Joseph Kony (pronounced coin), has still to sign the last peace treaty agreement with the UN to stop the brutal murdering of over 100,000 people. Over 36,000 children have been taken by the LRA as soldiers along with over 37,000 adults.

    1994 Rwanda: The Hutus wanted to ethnically cleanse their country of the Tutsis and anyone who protected Belgium territory. An estimated 800,000 - 1,000,000 people were killed in the dispute. Finally, in 1994, the Rwandan government was successful in settling everything.

    Today in Darfur is much like Rwanda in 1994. Two groups fighting against each other to ethnically cleanse The Sudan. The Janjaweed and Sudan Liberation Army estimated to have killed over 450,000 people. The UN is still debating what to do. However, not only have hundreds of thousands of people been murdered in the wars and genocides, but millions of more have been driven from the homes and displaced into refugee camps. Lingering in camps are diseases, unsanitary water, and the threat of rebel group attacks. In March 2005 the UN had declared that 10,000 people were dying in Darfur each month due to starvation and unsanitation ALONE.

    My friend and I are planning out a group we would like to start at school next year and I felt the need to make the video to share with people if we ever get around to presenting to classrooms.

    All photos were found on a google search, I'm sorry if some of them are copyrighted, they weren't "stolen" intentionally. If there is a problem, please notify me and I will try my best to remove it.

    The song does not belong to me but by the very talented band called The Fray. They own all the rights to this song, I just hope they allow me to use it to raise awareness for a huge problem going on in Africa.


      Current date/time is Sun Jun 02 2024, 07:21