quater wrote:He wont be assasinated. It's ignorant to say that.
And he didn't win by very much in the popular vote. I think he got 49.9% of the vote, not even a majority. Electoral college, yeah he did really well.
And the world is not over. America is going to get a healthy taste of socialism and will realize how extremely stupid it is for getting swept up in the Obama craze. The market today dropped something like 257 points. Funny, I thought the markets were supposed to stabilize after Obama became president.
It's also funny that the democrats are now trying to pass the initiatives the republicans were trying to pass months ago, saying the republicans stopped them (Which they did because it was laden with pork) to make Obama look like he saved the economy. However, it most likely wont work, because the economy knows that Obama is going to steroid boost our taxes and that welfare earners will now and for the first time in America's history supercede the working population.
America is in for dark times, but it's not over. Conservatism will become extremely powerful during these years of Obama blunders. I wouldn't be at all surprised if by 2010 Republicans regained a majority.
maybe someone corrected you already but I believe obama won 52.4% of the votes?