Also, our economy is just...-_-...But that's also our faults. If we want anything to get better, we have to at least spend a little! Not like a WHOLE lot, but if we don't, we'll probably end up like Guatamala...You know, 12 families there have ALL the money.
There's also the fact, that I think, Obama is going to try and take down America from the inside. I'm not against Muslims, but as someone posted in their blog here, Obama says they should
.Slow down their investigations
I dunno about you, but that sounds pretty fishy to me. And another thing, that someone also posted... If you don't like the way Obama does things, or don't think he's best for America, YOU'RE RACIST! Now, not literally, but if you say that to some people, they're retort with, you're RACIST! I know, pretty damn well, I am no racist, neither are 1.5 million other Americans!
Also, they want to close Guantamo Bay down. Why? Because President Obama says so! They want the GIVE THOSE SCUMBAGS RIGHTS!
Not just any rights...AMERICAN rights! Let's recap here...isn't Gauntamo Bay for TERRORISTS?! And...don't TERRORISTS kill AMERICANS?!
I would like ONE GOOD REASON why we should give them AMERICAN rights! They killed our people, try'd to bring America DOWN. And yet, they 'deserve' the same rights, American people have.
Sorry for the long, rant thingy guys...But some things just piss me off, to no means!