Girls should not be allowed to play contact sports with boys.
Girls are NOT equal to boys.
1. The average of boys are infact more durable than girls.
Example: I have had experience in this. In soccer I tried to kick a ball up the field it bounced off a guys shin pad and hit a girl in the arm. She cried, and I could NOT play at all for the entire rest of the game. Why? Cause I did not want to hurt anyone else. That might be just me, but I was one of the best players on that team and could of stopped a goal. We ended up tieing.
2. Girls are meaner to the boys in Sports.
This one is Debatable but in my experience of Sports they are.
Example: I have seen other girls get mad at boys OR girls in Sports for passes etc. Boys also do this, but not at the same level.
I am not saying Boys or Girls are better, and I am not saying they are ALL like this. I know some wimp boys, and some strong girls.
3. It is not fair to the boys.
Example: For me I know, that I can not Slide tackle, tackle, or barely touch a girl. So even if they are tough I do not want to get near them.
Co-ed sports for the girls are not fine, if they want to play with Co-ed that is unfair to people like me, and I know many boys on my team have a problem with that too. So it is not fair for me.
Also: I did not sign up for a co-ed sport. I signed up to do A soccer Camp, or a soccer Team. Girls are on both of my teams and I have had both of the girls on both teams yell at me. I did nothing. Especially the part when I by mistake bounced the soccer ball to hit that girl a girl on my team kicked me in the shins and I wasn't wearing shin pads. She yelled at me to tell her Im sorry and was a complete idiot to me.
I took it. Why? Cause I have a strong sense of Empathy and I DO believe that I should not harm girls. Why? Cause they Cry, and Empathy means feeling other emotions.
Fact: I am not trying to be sexist.
I would love to thank Starcraft Haxor for this point:
Rugby. My favourite sport of all time. I play full contact and on an all boys team.
Do you know how to tackle in Rugby? You have to land your head on the other guys butt. Why? Cause the butts the softest part. I am not gay thank you very much, which is exactly my point. I have a certain degree of respect for Girls body parts. I don't even like touching girls as I have explained before. Touch their butts with my head? I really don't think so.
I thinK I've made this point before but people aren't getting it:
For Tai Kwon Do, Or Karate, Or Rugby, Or ANY contact game or Sport it is hard for the boys. I do know MANY boys who have a problem with touching girls. I don't do Tai Kwon do or Karate so I would have to ask some other people, and I am not asking for Stories or people saying, 'I'm a girl and I'm so and so and did So and so'
What I am saying is that It is not fair to the boys too. You have to look at all the points if you are going to comment any sense please.
I am not saying all girls aren't tough as that... Im reading the posts and most of them are stories about, 'I know a girl' but I also ask you to post on, 'I know a girl who was really bad'
I know all of you will ignore that, Why? Cause most of you here are girls and most of you infact are very sporty. But for me and my team (Been repeating this. sad ) Do have a problem tackling a girl, or if she gets hurt.
I know some are you of Passionate about this, but please remember this is just MY opinion. Don't Foul your mouth for just me. I'm TRYING to be civil about this, but some of you don't think so.
Please tell me what you think :/
Last edited by on Thu Dec 27 2007, 15:36; edited 1 time in total