Koneko_Bozu8 wrote:Gaara of the Sand wrote:\Koneko_Bozu8 wrote:Gaara of the Sand wrote:Koneko_Bozu8 wrote:Gaara of the Sand wrote:Titaniumxvx wrote:Koneko_Bozu8 wrote:Onii-san you'll annoy annoy Ane-chan
and squishy-kun isn't a twerp *pouts*
Yep...Course I know...^__^
Ice cream flavor?
*sticks tongue out*
Don't contradict Onii-san!!!
*throws another chocolate chip and titan*
don't yell at her!
nyan...ettou...it's ok squishy-kun...no emotional damage ^-^
he wasn't yelling
but that's 3 exclamation points...
really...it's okay ^-^
*hides ina a cardboard box*
*peaks into box* watcha doing squishy-kun?
eating a cracker.. want one?