So moved into University, I had to use the School's internet provided for us in the residence (it sucks)
But yesterday a bright new shining hope had appeared. Our very own internet. We can now play youtube videos and not get disconnected every time we leave and come back. Things were looking up, until i found that I couldn't connect to it. So that sucked, but now I'm connected and it is cool, but I am still the only one who can't watch youtube videos. So what does that mean? I guess that I won't watch youtube videos for the whole year (that is right, well until I get back home)
Re: Internet!
Hmm... that might be your computer, or perhaps the router's firewall configuration for your computer. O-o
yay ama! sucks, no youtube.. xD;
That wouldn't bother me because I forget that youtube exists ;D
Hope that problem works out though!
Hope that problem works out though!
Yeah I think youtube will be bad for me this year, since most videos I watch at eitehr series of 8-12 15 minute parts or videos close to 1h