Even when I hear ridiculous stories such as one of their celebrity spokeswomen, Olivia Munn, wearing leather boots at a campagin and PETA responding with a "This isn’t a leather campaign." well.. you gotta believe I'm gonna be a bit skeptical.
But still, I supported them, because they're getting the message out! And thats the important thing.
Until I heard about this...
PETA's latest campaign is this...
- Spoiler:
Really?! Reeeeeeeeally?!
The holocaust on your plate?
Those figures are shocking, yes.. especially when you think about how much of that meat is probably thrown away unneccisarily, or isn't actually eaten at all.. but really... comparing it to the holocaust?
I was even more shocked to hear that they have used this campaign idea before! Back in 2003...
For many years PETA has taken it to extreme measures to get their point accross, and usually using images and campaigns like this...
"While I sympathize with PETA's aim—and am a member of PETA—I objected to this use of the Holocaust... The agony of animals arises from different causes from those of the Holocaust. Human beings do not hate animals. They do not eat them because they hate them. They do not experiment on them because they hate them, they do not hunt them because they hate them. These were the motives for the Holocaust. Human beings have no ideological or theological conflict with animals." Roberta Kalechofsky [Member of PETA]
There seem to be a looooooooooot of websites dedicated to hating on PETA these days too.. seems like even the most heartfelt organisations can be corrupt these days...
So what do you think, do you agree with PETA's methods? ... Would that make you stop eating meat?
Last edited by CLAIRVOYANTdisease on Thu Aug 19 2010, 16:40; edited 1 time in total