by quater Thu Apr 29 2010, 20:27
death wrote: quater wrote: death wrote: quater wrote: death wrote: quater wrote: death wrote: quater wrote: death wrote: quater wrote: death wrote: quater wrote: death wrote:Eh, I care not for that.
Hey Deathy. ^_^
You'd come to a Q x Abby wedding, right?
NO. D<
Not over the 'net, cause cyberfood won't fill me up. D<
Psh, but we wouldn't invite you to a real wedding if you won't even come to a nettastic wedding :P
Because getting married over the 'net really counts as something.
If it makes Abby happy I'd do it.
It's not like I'd do it because I thought it was a real wedding. *Pats Death's head* I'm not slow :P
Sure, sure. :P
I know
you're not that naive.
So that's why you're allowed to come. ^_^ Just for something to do and fun. Like the 100 K party and stuff. Or the Forumotion War. ^_^
Plus like I said it'd make Abby happy *Pulls out gun* >_> Do it for Abby!
I got to piss people off and argue in the war.
Can't do that in a wedding.
What if I made you the official wedding assassin? You can kill anyone who doesn't seem to be crying enough during my wedding.
Wouldn't the crying people be more annoying?
My wedding has to be epic and filled with awesome. If people aren't brought to their emotional souls then off with them.
But yes, you make an excellent point. As assassin you can choose best.