5 Original Council members with one being the chief. Plus there would be the permenant seats of Clan Leaders, Recruitment Chief and Medical and
Anbu Leaders (if we ever do these things I mean but they wont be held
in reserve if we don't). The 5 original Council members would all be
voted in and serve no more then 4 months and no less then 2 months and could serve
as many terms as they wanted but not 3 consecutive terms (Aka they
could do 16 terms during their userlife here but none can have 3 in a
row). These people would somehow be able to Veto ideas and I must bring up serious Village decisions with this Council, and they could also suggest ideas, however they could not make decisions for the village directly and even Vetoed we could hold up an idea to a village vote and if the village decided for my idea I could still get it passed.
Alright so give me your opinions, suggestions, comments, snide remarks, funny stories whatever. I have gotten authorization from the Kage's and some of my users so far that originally talked about it approve so I am ready to hear what my villagers think. This isn't me resigning from Kageship just trying to give you guys more of a say.
Last edited by on Sat Oct 20 2007, 13:11; edited 1 time in total