quater wrote:Ah, that sucks! ^_^;;SickSelfishSycho wrote:quater wrote:SickSelfishSycho wrote:quater wrote:SickSelfishSycho wrote:quater wrote:SickSelfishSycho wrote:Hip Hip~ ...
Your hips?
Hooray for hips?
No. Not hooray for my hips. They suck. I would like to replace one of them. But hooray for the bar and cookies.
Why replace one? :?
Cookies and bars!
It bothers me often, there's something wrong with it - probably from dance - I never got it checked out.
O: What kind of cookies?!?
I don't have any I thought you had some!
I agree!!
I do. I have a few st pattys day ones left. They would be soo much better with grain sugar on top.