They will be going into a new lvl this upcoming month.
We will be doing kinda a Hall of Fame. We have had it before, but its going to be back ^_^ *Maybe under a new name*
Things we will be doing on WotN will be as follows:
Most poster of the month.
Best gamer.
Best Bloger.
Best pic.
Best fanfic.
Best poem.
Best fanart.
Somethings you should know are - Most poster starts at the 1st of the month and ends 1st of the next month. You have all month to show yourself off. Same goes for Bloger and pic.
But the others will be a bit diff. They will be worked out in weeks.
Week one will be gamer. I will put up a game and whoever gets the most points in the weeks time. Wins~
Next will go Fanfic then fanart and then poems. All will have a week. And I will make sure you all know its started.
All Fanfics and stuff will have a theme to go along with them ^_^ *Don't worry, I will say what it is when it comes time to make em.*
I hope you enjoy. The ones who win will forever have there names in the Hall~ and people will have to bow down to you and fear you~
Last edited by Banouin on Sun Feb 28 2010, 18:25; edited 1 time in total