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    Forum Review: Naruto's Way of the Ninja 3.0


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    Forum Review: Naruto's Way of the Ninja 3.0 Empty Forum Review: Naruto's Way of the Ninja 3.0

    Post by theBOSS.

    So I've been forumsurfing.
    Sorry, WOTN. I haven't betrayed yous; I'm still keeping an eye out for you.

    I found a site called Naruto's Way of the Ninja. Numbah3.

    I was like,

    So I joined, stayed a while, decided to mingle for the sake of reviewing it.


    randominfo: Naruto's Way of the Ninja 3.0, or nwotn, is a Naruto RP site. It has standard villages, though it only allows entry into Kiri or Konoha.

    ;;RP Style/Format:
    I actually kind of like it. It's very structured and organized. There's a whole stat/battle system and such which kind of makes logical sense.
    Missions, which are to be RP-ed, are evaluated and that gets you shiz and you can gain power.
    Jutsus, equipment, weapons, etc. are bought by currency which is earned through missions and such. There are even bingo books, deathlists, etc.
    These people are very professional in their RP posts. They get all intricate and lengthy; I do admit, they are very eloquent writers. Their posts are like art. Sometimes the font and length of posts hurt my eyes.
    VERY organized. But sometimes it confuses me; all these evaluations and rules and systems and abundance of RP areas that never get RP-ed in.
    ,,Grade: 4.5/5.

    ;;Social Zone:
    Unlike the RP zones and pre-RP zones, the social zone is very dead. There is barely half a page of threads, and I'm sure all of them haven't even gotten past 5 pages. In the chatbox, I commented on the paucity of threads in the Social zone, and one of the administrators said something along the lines of "if you don't rp, you don't belong here... if you don't rp, we ban you."
    And as a person who always views RP skeptically, I find it hard to believe that all these people can sit and just RP all day. I'd rather write a great American novel than to write about my ninja character in third person for 300 more posts.
    The Social Zone is not put into much emphasis as the RP aspect; I like balance. Obviously this isn't balanced.
    ,,Grade: 1.5/5. (At least they have some threads.)

    The people are actually very nice. Hospitable... to an extent.
    However, the nwotn community seems very closed off. As I have mentioned before, this is the third version; I assume that many people already know each other from the 1st and 2nd versions. Although they accept me and converse with me to some extent (in the chatbox, which takes away from the growth of posts, though they are all RP posts) I find it hard to have a long, decent conversation like I could have in the Bar. They seem unwilling to accept new people, and though they welcome new people like we do, that's all they do. A very few say, "if you have any questions, feel free." However, when I asked questions about what to do (because I'm genuinely confused) I was rarely answered, rarely helped out eagerly and actively.
    Now that I think about it, the chatbox is mostly used for discussing out-of-character RP stuff...
    However, a plus: the majority of this site can spell and utilize proper grammar, something that the new members of WOTN have been neglecting these days. ):
    ,,Grade: A solid 3/5.

    They know how to do their jobs in a way; they're a tightly knit, well organized group. However, I've noticed that they randomly kick or ban or clear people or messages in the chatbox a bit arbitrarily. That annoys the hell out of me. They also seem extremely unhelpful when they don't feel like working; they are sometimes slow when accepting mission/evaluation requests, etc. They seem to ignore any questions or requests made to them in the chatbox as well, unless it's a member they have known for a while. Or that might just be me, since I haven't been around long enough.
    ,,Grade: 2.5/5.

    I'd rather be on WOTN than on that site. Though interesting, I have neither the time nor patience to write up to 2,000 words per mission and over 250 words per post.
    I also hate being told that I HAVE to RP. I'd rather mingle, socialize, post like a normal person instead of writing in third person on how my character will train every day to avenge his/her clan or some shit like that.
    Q has pointed out, time and time again, about the flaws of a chatbox. The chatbox takes away the point of a social zone (maybe that's why it's abandoned), and decreases the maximum posts, RP or non-RP, that the site can have. Compared to WOTN's 1,000,000+ posts, nwotn has a meager 12650 posts on it, to this day.
    Yes, the people are nice. I'm not saying that they're a bunch of dictators. However, once again, I point out the lack of flexibility when it comes to accepting newcomers; when I enter the chatbox, I get a few hi's. Then they start talking about random things and when I try to insert myself into the conversation (not in like a nosy way, just in a curious one) I end up being ignored; sometimes I got the impression that I was not very well received, or well-liked. Or maybe I was just ignored.

    VERDICT: 2.875/5.
    death out.
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    Post Tue Feb 23 2010, 21:30 by CLAIRVOYANTdisease

    I hate sites that are solely RP...They ish creepy D:

    Wait... isn't this the site that had a new member join our site to try and get our members to move to their site?

    And then me and Q joined their site and the admins got pissed at us? ._.

    Post Tue Feb 23 2010, 21:37 by Destinykil

    nehhh, nice review deathy, you should do this for a living, it will give us info on sites that are better thasn ours and maybe even you kages will get ideas to impliment into ours t make it better

    Post Tue Feb 23 2010, 21:41 by theBOSS.

    I did ONE RP mission. Then it got really boring. :T
    Constantly referring to yourself in third person gets creepy. o__o;
    Haha, was it? That was pretty funny. Making people from the Hidden Eraser Village and stuff. xDD
    I remember joining one site, and they were calling us uneducated and shiz, and then I got banned after I bid them goodnight because I had to do calc. ):

    Thanks, Des. It wasn't as organized as I'd like it to be, but I do intend to keep reviewing other sites. (:
    Maybe you can help out too.

    Post Tue Feb 23 2010, 21:43 by Destinykil

    ill do what i can, you are doing ninja espionage which is awesome, im tellin ya, with reviews and ideas we collect from other naruto sites and rp sites, we can amass WOTN to where it should be...at the top of the pantheon

    Post Tue Feb 23 2010, 21:50 by quater

    I saw that site before. Mostly cause I had been on WOTN 2.0.

    You gave it a higher score than me. For me I wouldn't give them more than a 1.5

    Their rules make them inflexible to any form of change. Their staff is really efficient, mostly because they are power happy mods. Kage's, like we have on WOTN, spend their time bettering the site. Power happy mods spend their time moderating things and keeping things up to their standards.

    They type well, because if they don't they are banned. And you underestimate the amount of people who would of been banned if we had that policy (Me, for starters).

    Although I feel WOTN could use more roleplay elements, I think a site that only roleplays is lazy. It also shows no creativity. There's hardly a difference in Naruto Way Of The Ninja 3 as opposed to 2, or 1, or any other RP site out there.

    The fact that people are unfriendly is because most of them are really egotistical. It's all about how great a ninja they are, and very little to do with making friends. WOTN on the other hand focuses on having fun and being a great ninja at the same time.

    Etc. So yeah, your score was ridiculously fluffy. Although their RP style may seem efficient, most websites are just a part of a cookie cutter model of RPing that you can find anywhere on the internet.

    Post Tue Feb 23 2010, 21:56 by CLAIRVOYANTdisease

    I wanna try role play.
    I've never done it >:3

    Post Tue Feb 23 2010, 21:58 by theBOSS.

    Role play is very overrated.
    I got bored after 4 posts.

    You're just harsh, Q. ):
    Yes, I've noticed that some are powerhappy.
    Some are nice, though. One of the admins is very entertaining. o__o

    Post Tue Feb 23 2010, 21:58 by quater

    death wrote:Role play is very overrated.
    I got bored after 4 posts.

    You're just harsh, Q. ):
    Yes, I've noticed that some are powerhappy.
    Some are nice, though. One of the admins is very entertaining. o__o

    Not harsh :P Realistic.

    Post Tue Feb 23 2010, 22:00 by Destinykil

    Roleplaying depending on how intense it is can be fun, ive had a whole intense intricate RP battle before, it was like a friggin novel and a movie at the same time.

    Post Tue Feb 23 2010, 22:01 by quater

    I agree. Roleplaying can be fun. I'd like to incorporate it more into WOTN.

    However the whole, "Make a character" get it approved, "Make a clan" get it approved, "Write long intricate stories thing" gets really tiring.

    Post Tue Feb 23 2010, 22:03 by Destinykil

    yeah, and besides we have characters in the battle arena. ^_^ makes it easy considering most of them ive read are true.

    clans dont matter unless youve actualy been in one that was once alive on WOTN..maybe we could have a certain catergory for it

    Post Tue Feb 23 2010, 22:19 by CLAIRVOYANTdisease

    I could never write a long character D:

    Or read other peoples.

    I'd just want to be all like 'CLAIR. BLUE EYES. BROWN HAIR. She be cool, ya'll'

    'LETS RP :D'

    Post Wed Feb 24 2010, 02:00 by PeinQAkatsuki

    I couldn't RP for that long. That's not even.. yeah. I can RP once in a while, it's fun. But just RP without any socializing... no. However it does sound interesting.

    But I'm sticking to WOTN.

    Post Wed Feb 24 2010, 02:04 by quater

    PeinQAkatsuki wrote:I couldn't RP for that long. That's not even.. yeah. I can RP once in a while, it's fun. But just RP without any socializing... no. However it does sound interesting.

    But I'm sticking to WOTN.

    Oh Yeah!

    Post Wed Feb 24 2010, 02:09 by PeinQAkatsuki

    quater wrote:
    PeinQAkatsuki wrote:I couldn't RP for that long. That's not even.. yeah. I can RP once in a while, it's fun. But just RP without any socializing... no. However it does sound interesting.

    But I'm sticking to WOTN.

    Oh Yeah!
    Haha, I like this site. Talk about hospitable! When I joined, I was messaged first thing and asked if I needed any help.

    I think it was Ama that messaged me.
    neon kun

    Post Wed Feb 24 2010, 03:39 by neon kun

    D: sounds scary!!!!!! Wahh

    Post Wed Feb 24 2010, 07:54 by Toshii

    neon kun wrote:D: sounds scary!!!!!! Wahh

    indeed )=

    Post Wed Feb 24 2010, 11:07 by quater

    neon kun wrote:D: sounds scary!!!!!! Wahh
    Aw. There there, Neon. It's only a nightmare far away. :P

    See now what you've done, Death? You've scared poor Jan with this heresy of other Naruto sites :P :P

    Post Wed Feb 24 2010, 21:41 by theBOSS.

    Wise decision, Pein.

    Sorry, Jan! DD:
    I'll send you some cake? (:

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