A lot of you are kind of on the younger side and might not remember. And there's also a lot of you who probably don't think much of it because you're not from America. And then there's a group of you who probably think of America and 9/11 and think of the 'failed war in Iraq' and not the lives lost in the World Trade Center. And though I hope that WOTN is above it, I am sure there's a group of you who think 9/11 and you think Conspiracy and the 'truther's movement'.
So to refresh your memories, and maybe for many of you to show you footage from the event, here is pieces of the 9/11 Documentary. Two French men in the United States making a documentary about fireman in the United States ended up filming the World Trade Center attacks. They also have some of the only footage of the first plane crashing and the best footage of the disaster. But, this isn't exactly the most kid friendly stuff, either. Because its real life and what really happened. So, I show this to you but warn you that if you're scared by graphic stuff, this might not be the best videos for you. I hope this means something to you guys like it meant to me. I know there's a lot and its long, but once you start watching it, its gripping. And if this doesn't mean anything to you, you probably should check your priorities.
There's a lot more to the documentary, but I tried to keep it specified to the scenes with the World Trade Center itself. The Pentagon and the 7th Building and the Pennsylvania flight also have to be remembered on today.
I hope you at least took some time out of your life to view these videos when 8 years ago people lost their lives while they were being made.