by theBOSS. Thu May 28 2009, 20:52
MissQoolKat wrote: death-chan wrote: MissQoolKat wrote: death-chan wrote:Chupacabra is a goat sucker? o__o;
Hiyo, MeesKat.
yus. -nods wisely- it vants to suck deh blood of da goat. does someone nod wisely? O.o
DEATHIEE AND JAKEY AND Q! -glomps- ...ish. :D
Are you a chupacabra? o__o
Er... like those old Chinese dudes with long beards?
-falls-...ish? o.o
Whaaa, why does everyone finish school so early? >.>
:F Only on weekends. the rest of the times i'm a Kat. xD
D: that's depressing. i wanna be an old Chinese dude with a long beard...
:D cuhs i iz vurry speshiul.
Do goats taste good? o__o
Nah, you're fine as Kat the chupacabra on weekends.
Dang. We don't even have finals for another three weeks. o__o