Aichu wrote: quater wrote: Aichu wrote: quater wrote: Aichu wrote: quater wrote: Aichu wrote: quater wrote:I'd rather kill myself than do either.
Liberalism reigns supreme? Oh really.
Write an essay on the "how cold-war era promotes the dogmatism of democracy and the demonetization of all other political instiutions" I mean really. Could they be anymore socialist in their agenda?
And the first one is no better.
Liberalism might not be the best word. "Westernism" would work better.
I would challenge you on that one. To quote from one university's website, the Cold war was essentially a struggle between America's capitalism and the Soviet's communism. And, as it should be obvious, capitalism cannot breed in communism- it requires a democratic society to take root. Therefore, it is in the economic interest of capitalism and countries abiding thereof to propagate democracy.
What's your point?
They word it as a bad thing. But I disagree. When you use words like "Demonization" and "Dogmatism" you insinuate the idea of it being evil.
And that's frankly not true. Can you challenge that?
Democracy itself is not evil.
But the idea that democracy is the only system that should exist, and that nothing else should ever be considered, is a very dangerous one indeed. Evil? No, but dangerous.
That's not the idea that was promoted during the Cold War, though.
The idea during the Cold War was to stop the spread of Communism from threatening Democracy.
Not sure who taught you history, but they certainly got it backwards.
And Democracy isn't the only form of government that should exist. Only the best.
Although technically the United States is a Republic.
You just said so yourself- the cold war was to stop the spread of communism from threatening democracy.
Now, I'm totally opposed to communism, but if democracy was the best form of government, why would it be threatened by communism? Certainly, if the world was bright and cheery for the democratic world, no one living under democracy would want communism.
Well right now America is having bailout bills being jammed down the throats of the American people. You tell me how stuff happens that the people don't like?
Besides, are you telling me when Russia invaded Afghanistan, that that was the people moving for Communism?
Or when Fidel Castro took away all the land from the people and then jailed all his dissidents that this was what the People wanted?
Or how about when the Small Vietnamese army of communists murdered hundreds of thousands to propel their agenda?
Or when Stalin took over Poland and the Eastern Bloc. All under the guise of very fake elections. And you say, that should not have been stopped? When the Polish people were on trains to concentration camps deep in Siberia, they would certainly have wished someone had defended their democracy.
But yes, you are right. It was Democracy that was evil during the Cold War. That's why Communism Triumphed so well and....oh...wait, it didn't.
It's true countries were coerced into communism in the past. I never said communism was a good thing.
But do people living here on good old North America care for the peril of a little place like poland? Oh no. We're more worried about these countries spinning out nukes and aiming them at
us. Face it- civil war and unrest goes on all the time, and when major western powers respond, its seldom out of a pure heart. Do I need to rattle off some genocides and wars that took place under *gasp* democracy? Or so called democracy. It's not the system. Not the ideology. People die under republics and they die under dictatorship. Look at the principles of Marxism- they stress equality for everyone. So you can't blame communism itself for all the messed up stuff that's happened. It's the heart of the people who follow that ideology, Q. Millions of unborn children are slaughtered every year in your country- and your new president is happy with it. Did you want this guy in office. Is democracy really better any better?
I can't say Democracy is the best. But, do I think its dogmatic? No.
And I can tell you this.
Thanks to Democracy, the Holocaust ended.
Thanks to Democracy, slavery all over the world has been abolished.
Thanks to Democracy, half the world's hungry is fed, and that's only from America.
Thanks to Democracy, charities have been able to do more for the poverished nations than ever before in any other time.
Thanks to Democracy, a country that killed millions of its own people was stopped from destroying more.
Thanks to Democracy, rogue terrorist networks in Iraq no longer destroy their own people.
Thanks to Democracy, South Korea wasn't massacred.
Thanks to Democracy, Japan didn't roll over the entire pacific and the genocide of millions of Chinese was stopped.
Thanks to Democracy, aide has been given to those who have AIDS in Africa and many conflicts have been quelled.
So do I think Democracy is REALLY any better? Yes. Yes I do.
What has Communism, or dictatorships achieved that even closely compares to the marvels of democracy?
What other system gives people free speech, the ability to debate like Democracy?
What other system says, "Find your talents and use them to better yourself and the world around you?"
You asked, is Democracy really any better?
I ask you, can it even be compared? Sure, there are many instances where Democracy said, "Hey, don't get involved. We want these people to choose for themselves," and yes, during the Cold War democracy said, "We are here to protect our people, even if that means saying no to evil dictators," but if you view that as Democracy being dangerous, I don't know what to say to you. What would you have them do? "Yes, democracy should sit aside and let Communism roll over other nations because since Communism exists Democracy isn't perfect." That's like saying, "Because the Devil exists, God must be wrong because if he were perfect the Devil wouldn't exist." Nope. It means that you must STAND up to the evil and be strong.
And Democracy has proven itself to do that.