First, highlighting yoyo's crowning Battle Guide. Awesome.
People who do stuff like that, awesome.
Second, SSS, Fish, or Leckis (Whatever you call em) has been the first to do the Uber Insane Mission and broken the post record with 120. A solid start. But I think some really devoted Ninja could break it. Let's see.
Third, we had a lot of war ideas and stuff going around. Keep up the pace on that. I know for a fact that right now Mist is quietly organizing a reconstruct Mist village project that will turn it into an Evil Organization. And when that time comes, Sand will be the village that has to fight it.
Okay, finally. To the Sand Revival. I had a few ideas, but we need some more juice to get the village running. So, I want to hear what you guys think.
- Sand Week. What I promised and failed to give you. Should we do another one?
- Posting challenge? Maybe have some days to have Sand Posting challenges.
- Battling. We really need to up our battling
- Economics. We have very few Sand shops in the market. But, if we took over the market we could literally make Sand the most powerful nation very quickly.
- Recruiting is low, and for Sun too. Any ideas?