-Credit to Darkness Unleashed for making the bannar-
Rom in the making. There are currently 10 levels completed.
Rom of: Super Mario World (SNES)
A Burning Light Production
Number of levels: ATM 2, expecting to have 5 - 10
Diffeculty: medium-hard
Basic Informatio:
-The rom will end with a remake of the 2nd castle
Screen Shots
-I'm setting the date for the rom to be done by next sunday
-Beta 5 is up!
-Beta 9 is up!
-Beta 10 is up!
-Beta 11 is up!
-Beta 11b is up!
-Beta 12 is up!
-Level 1 and the first switch palce have been tested and completed!
-Level 2 is Finshed
-Found some problums in Levels 1 and 2, so i fixed them.
-fixed some stuff in level 2
-Level 3 is done and tested!
-Level 4 is done and tested!
-Level 5 is done and tested!
-Iggy's Castle (level 6) is done - UNTESTED
-Level 2 - 1, 2 - 2 and 2 - a are done - UNTESTED
-Level 2 - A has be tested!
-Level 1 - 1 has been redone!
-Level 2 - 3 (first ghost house) is done!
Beta 5
Beta 9
Beta 10
Beta 11b
Beta 12