But today I saw possibly the dumbest biker moment in my life. I was doing a 5K run which means they had to stop traffic so that we wouldn't get run over. And all these cars were stopped on one side of the road. And imbetween all these cars was a man. On a bike. Sitting there. Between the cars. Just waiting.
What the freedom? Why is this biker not going on ahead? He has a bike! He doesn't need to stop with the cars. He can get on one of the sidewalks on both sides of the roads and pedal away! But no! He is sitting there. Waiting for us to go by and the cars to go again. But he doesn't have to! Because he is a biker! Does anyone get the logic I am saying here?
So, what do you think? Should cars have to share the road, or should bikers quit pretending to be cars to make us all happier?