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    Sand and Sun Economic plans


    Number of posts : 118119
    Age : 33
    Fanclubs : Shikamaru! NCS WOTN Veteran Princes! Soul Eaters
    Village : Scorpion
    Happiness bar :
    Sand and Sun Economic plans Left_bar_bleue90 / 10090 / 100Sand and Sun Economic plans Right_bar_bleue

    Registration date : 2007-05-21

    Natural: 56
    Power: Flood Attack
    Instinct: 50

    Sand and Sun Economic plans Empty Sand and Sun Economic plans

    Post by quater Wed Dec 10 2008, 17:57

    Okay, as the league of nations should know I just built up a WOTN economy. I am hoping this will become a winning aspect of originality on WOTN.

    But, this also puts Villages like Sand and Sun at a new advantage. Because I created it, I know how it works better then anyone.

    What I think Sand and Sun should do is focus on creating as many shops as possible in the economy. That way, Sand and Sun get an early stranglehold on shops and keep the other village's from getting more powerful then us.

    Number of posts : 118119
    Age : 33
    Fanclubs : Shikamaru! NCS WOTN Veteran Princes! Soul Eaters
    Village : Scorpion
    Happiness bar :
    Sand and Sun Economic plans Left_bar_bleue90 / 10090 / 100Sand and Sun Economic plans Right_bar_bleue

    Registration date : 2007-05-21

    Natural: 56
    Power: Flood Attack
    Instinct: 50

    Sand and Sun Economic plans Empty Re: Sand and Sun Economic plans

    Post by quater Sat Dec 13 2008, 21:35

    This is such a good idea the thread writer here is genius and magnificent with words.

      Current date/time is Thu Jun 13 2024, 17:49