grandjury21: you on arron?
darkendraptorr: Spell my name right and I will be.
grandjury21: Aaron
grandjury21: sorry
darkendraptorr: yay
darkendraptorr: I mean hello.
grandjury21: you read my skype messages?
darkendraptorr: No.
grandjury21: do it because my wrist hurts
grandjury21: and i dont want to type it again
darkendraptorr: Uh...
darkendraptorr: Can't you just copy and paste the message?
darkendraptorr: ..
grandjury21: :l
grandjury21: :l
grandjury21: :l
darkendraptorr: =\
grandjury21: @.@
darkendraptorr: Stop with the smileys.
grandjury21: -.-
grandjury21: -_-
darkendraptorr: Crunch crunch.......................................................................
grandjury21: dont have a mic
* darkendraptorr is coughing
grandjury21: dog chewed it up
darkendraptorr: Wow.
darkendraptorr: How did that manage to happen?
grandjury21: stupid bro left my door open
grandjury21: when he was looking for something for me
darkendraptorr: Was it on the ground?
grandjury21: no but she knocked it off my desk
grandjury21: she is pretty tall
darkendraptorr: Ohh you dog
darkendraptorr: I thought you meant she for your brother.
darkendraptorr: Which is the correct way of saying bro.
grandjury21: i said dog chewed it up
grandjury21: like 5 messages ago
darkendraptorr: ...
darkendraptorr: 13
darkendraptorr: ...
grandjury21: what ever -.-
grandjury21: im do copy paste now
grandjury21: hey arron you think you want to or aloud to come over?
darkendraptorr: Wow.
grandjury21: or maybe sleep over
darkendraptorr: My name.
darkendraptorr: Is not like that.
grandjury21: Aaron
grandjury21: *
darkendraptorr: =D
grandjury21: if you do we are going to go to a combined activity with the girls ( not girl scouts just young wemon age 12-17)we call them beehives
grandjury21: it will be fun so dont worry
darkendraptorr: Beehives?
grandjury21: read the dang gone message
darkendraptorr: What teh heck? (teh was on purpose)
grandjury21: yes these ( ) where on purpose
grandjury21: its correct english
grandjury21: for typing somethign off topic
grandjury21: somethign*
darkendraptorr: HAHAHA
grandjury21: something**
darkendraptorr: :D
grandjury21: did you read it
darkendraptorr: were...
darkendraptorr: Look up
darkendraptorr: you said
darkendraptorr: where on purpse
darkendraptorr: purpose*
grandjury21: omg!!!!!
grandjury21: lol
darkendraptorr: ...
* darkendraptorr eats your face in.
grandjury21: eats?
grandjury21: dont you mean beats
darkendraptorr: No.
darkendraptorr: I'm eating your face in.
darkendraptorr: Smart...
grandjury21: how do you eat it in
darkendraptorr: You take bites
darkendraptorr: then the chunks dissapear.
darkendraptorr: .....
grandjury21: but you dont eat in
darkendraptorr: And your face goes inside.
grandjury21: no bc my face is my head
grandjury21: so it would not go in
grandjury21: it would dissapear
darkendraptorr: A threat doesn't have to make since.
grandjury21: since*
darkendraptorr: Sense
grandjury21: ??
darkendraptorr: retard.
darkendraptorr: =D
grandjury21: im not retarted
darkendraptorr: No your not.
darkendraptorr: Retard is a word.
darkendraptorr: It means to slow down.
grandjury21: i know
darkendraptorr: I
grandjury21: it was a vocab word
darkendraptorr: *
grandjury21: omg!!!
grandjury21: this is getting cery off topic
darkendraptorr: cery?
grandjury21: so yes or no
grandjury21: very!!
grandjury21: ********************
darkendraptorr: Hehehehehe,
grandjury21: yes or no??
darkendraptorr: To what?
grandjury21: omg!!!!!!!!!!!
grandjury21: about coming over
grandjury21: or sleeping over
darkendraptorr: Do you really need to put the "!!!!!!!!!!"'s at the end
darkendraptorr: I get the message.
darkendraptorr: :D
grandjury21: makes it sound more angry!!!
darkendraptorr: It does?
grandjury21: yes
darkendraptorr: Oh, I didn't notice.
grandjury21: just liek adding ? to the end of a question
darkendraptorr: like*
grandjury21: like*
darkendraptorr: I did it first.
darkendraptorr: :D
grandjury21: hobo
darkendraptorr: Hobo*
grandjury21: answer the question
darkendraptorr: What's the question again?
darkendraptorr: Give me the answer choices.
grandjury21: sleep over or come over to my house
grandjury21: yes or no
darkendraptorr: or.
grandjury21: or what?
darkendraptorr: Or.
darkendraptorr: Is my answer.
grandjury21: or does not anser it
darkendraptorr: Answer*
grandjury21: yes, no choose one
darkendraptorr: One.
darkendraptorr: I chose one.
grandjury21: yes or no, choose either the word yes or no
darkendraptorr: Yes or No hmm?
darkendraptorr: Hard...
grandjury21: not or
grandjury21: either
darkendraptorr: I choose...
darkendraptorr: Wait a minute..
darkendraptorr: hmmm,
darkendraptorr: I must ponder this..
grandjury21: ok go ask and think about it
darkendraptorr: Ask who?
grandjury21: to see if you can come over
grandjury21: :l
darkendraptorr: Who?!
grandjury21: you have short turn memory lose dont you?
grandjury21: you parents
grandjury21: !!
darkendraptorr: Lose?
grandjury21: your*
darkendraptorr: Loss*
grandjury21: oh well
grandjury21: get over i
grandjury21: it*
darkendraptorr: This is what you said : oh well get over i it*.
darkendraptorr: Without the period.
grandjury21: i dont need to be taught on school breaks
darkendraptorr: I* don't*
grandjury21: be seriouse
darkendraptorr: Don't have a mental break down.
darkendraptorr: serious*
grandjury21: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
darkendraptorr: Dot Dot Dot?
grandjury21: please ne serious
grandjury21: be*
darkendraptorr: Ne?
darkendraptorr: Wait, what does Ne mean?
darkendraptorr: You said ne at first.
grandjury21: it was a typo
darkendraptorr: Oh,
darkendraptorr: I love you too, oh wait sorry wrong chat.
grandjury21: :l
grandjury21: DISTURBING!!
darkendraptorr: Incorrect.
darkendraptorr: Sturbing,
grandjury21: ...........
darkendraptorr: Dot dot dot? Again?
grandjury21: i will kill you
darkendraptorr: Watch your killing language.
darkendraptorr: I*
grandjury21: *kills Arron through hologram*
darkendraptorr: Aaron*
grandjury21: i did that to make you do that
darkendraptorr: I*
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