Laura-Chan wrote:woot! he hada party!? i wanna go T.Ttenji hyuga wrote:Laura-Chan wrote:Yes!! on Youtube, and also on their site! ^.^tenji hyuga wrote:Laura-Chan wrote:and then say 'what? you don't want me to remember where i live? you want meto get lost on the streets? and then die all lonely and deprived? because i couldn't go to the police because i forgot where i lived?'tenji hyuga wrote:Laura-Chan wrote:>.> next time he walks in your room just say out loud 'Yes! my address is .......' he'll flip!tenji hyuga wrote:Laura-Chan wrote:>.> My dad's like 'Don't be talking to Stangers!!!'
And i say 'How can i make friends if i don't make an effort to talk to strangers' ^.^ lmao
lolz i said im not, im smarter than that, then he said, just making sure then gave me a strange like im watching you look O.o
omgz i shallz do that!!! hed be all WHAT DID I JUST TELL YOU NOT TO DO!!!..
ROFLOL!!! YESH! omgz i just called my friend and the her name is jessica but the answering machine said " HI dis is andra! plesa leave name and num,ber after beep and i call you back..byes.. i just freaked out ...oooo have you herad of TH t.v?
Ish it good?
Andra? haha that's super funny!!!
lolz it was suoer creepy , YESH the episodes are very cool! the last one was about bills private party in geneva ill try to find the link for it
i think your friend suffers with Schizophrenia ^__^;;
lolz i dunno, this prerson was a guy and was mexician.. jessica isnt mexician lol zokies here it is: