Bloodly-Chan wrote:=___=;Titaniumxvx wrote:Bloodly-Chan wrote::OTitaniumxvx wrote:Bloodly-Chan wrote:Thanks for making me freak out when I came to log on =____=;
It was 6 in the freaking morning. I nearly had a heart attack.
You're welcome, Bloodly. I forgive you
I'm no longer 2B!
my brainwashing has finally worked!
Hey! I am working on buttering techniques of using proper names.
Brainwashing? Ahh...
I'll go on hidden if you promise never to call me 2B or anything like that ever again...
Oops .__.;
I swear on my Sister's life! I swear it! I will always call you Bloodly.
Thank you! Thank you, Bloodly...!