by KatannaSan Wed Jun 04 2008, 00:01
Sorry, typo....
*jumps away*
*Sends Sands of time after all the clones and jake*
Name: Sands of Time, Offensive
Inventor: KatannaSan
Type: Ninjutsu
Chakra Use: Minimal, but if no sand is present, a bit more
Effect: Spread single grains of sand outwards in a radious around you to the opponent. Once the grains, or if the grains, manage to attach onto the opponent or his clones, it drastically slows their physical movement. However, this is only as long as you can hold the justsu and if the opponent or his clones are too far, they will still be able to move freely.
(Does that count as an evade?)
Sand Constriction!
Name: Sand Constriction
Inventor: KatannaSan
Type: Ninjustsu
Chakra Use: Fairly small, but still quite a bit
Effect: Along with Sand's of time, the offensive, you are able to name the opponent the vertex of the sand, therefore covering the opponent(s) in the sand and rather sufficating them or crushing them to death.
Name: KatannaSan
Damage: 10
Explosive Tags: 2
Shuriken: 15
Evades: 5