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About two weeks ago, there was an artical in the paper that said at these old abandoned listening posts off the west coast, that the Navy used to use to listen to Russian submarines, they were picking up these really weird, rumbling and groaning noises from inside the earth that they've never heard anything like before.
It's kind of a run-on sentance but it gets it across.
(I think it's either that creature in PotC!! Or Godzilla!! NO KING KONG! NO THE DINOSAURS ARE BACK!!!!!!!!! T-REX IS BACK!!!! OMFG!!! Jk. MAYBE NEVADA IS GOING TO BECOME A COASTAL STATE?! Some people say Cali is going to break off and float away.)
Over 100 quakes in the past 24hrs.
My friends can feel them best, because they're where they're happening.
(Maur, Cooper, etc)
I said to Maur... "u shud call news 4 when there's a quake and record it and ill record the news thatd be so funny!!" I think she was hyper becuse she was saying really random, weird, stuff I couldn't understand.
It feels like a wave. A solid wave. Like vertigo. The whole house was shaking.
Some stuff fell off of my bro's shelf.
The first, strong earthquake I've felt.
Also, what would be fun, if me, Maur, Cooper, Kiera, and Lydia were slumber partying and there was a quake.
It was cool, but freaky. It's 2:20am, the news just said there was another after-shock.
I wonder what will happen next?
This is what my friend said in a bulletin:
hahah me and dani were IMing at like 2 am and all these earthquakes were coming..
15 out of my 31 nutcrackers fell and almost broke.
all my shoes fell from my closet.
my GLASS lamp broke a lightbulb.
and our TV almost tipped.
so, i was hyper, and making up stupid jokes and songs, and then I laid on the floor.
and an earthquake came, and it was awesome!!!
but, on a serious "note", if a big one comes, just hide under a tale or doorway, have food and flashlights ready, make sure all pets are in the house.
if you are OUTSIDE, just stand still, but make sure you are far away from tall building s and telephone poles or lines.
Last edited by NarutoBoyFreakah on Sat Apr 26 2008, 16:50; edited 2 times in total