quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:quater wrote:Banouin wrote:Sup?
Yo I have tried to Aim...
Tried to Aim..What?
Oh, well..Aim me at DFwingzero..Its my bros but i am on it atm
Mih I forgot what I was gonna say
Did it have anything to do with Shugo?
No, why is something wrong with SHUGO!?
No, Nvm
Tells me...
We talked on Aim the other Day about somthing...He was going to talk to you and ask you somthing, i did not know if he had yet, so its cool, nothing is wrong
About a Deathnote site perhaps?
Yeah me and him chatted about it for hours last night.
IF PF agrees with it it will be tight.
Ya me and him talked and i think shugo wants to help me and let be kinda like a admin in Training, Did he tell you about that?
When did you guys talk?
Last night...Its was like 1 or 2 Am
Then no we stopped talking around 12:30
By the way, I didn't know you liked Deathnote.
I am not to big a fan but I love a challenge ya know ^_^
He told me about it, And i liked alot of what he had to say, So i asked if i could be a part of it, But i asked him to talk to you, and ask if you would not mind if i was. I Did not want you mad at shugo for just putting me in with out talking to you
I want you in.
I also want to see what PF says.
Ya, cool like i said i think shugo is going to put me as a like a admin in training or somthing..Idk yet
That's fine.
I will wait till PF before I go in guns blazing though. He is like my partner, and if he says go for it...^_^
Shugo told me that you guys have not told Pf yet, But i think he will want to be a part of it...But you never know
You'd think but it's PF...
Plus, we have a lot of sites to juggle right now and he also might not like Deathnote *Doesn't care for it either myself but I enjoy the idea of having that site*
Hell, I have only seen like 4 eps, But I liked what shugo had to say, And the fact that he wants me to help out or kinda be a part of it...I will give it a try, I think it may be a big hit
You got me coming up with Jazz, Shugo, and PF, and then you here...
We got Deathnote for some reason a super popular anime...
And you got a RPG using some of the old WOTN stuff and what Shugo and I know.
And no competition really in the field.
How can this not be a hit?
MHHHM (Like a true black woman) That's what I say.
I want him to hurry up and get on and ask pf!
So do I..Bc i know you are cool with me being a part of it..But idk if Pf will be..(If pf wants to that is)
I just want to know if he is for it or not.
Afterall, PF does have to worry about a new village, a growing WOTN, COPS, and another site maybe I don't know *Shifts around the room*
So anyway, another might not be his idea of fun.
Ya, thats what i was think..So if Pf Does say No, are you still going to want to do it?
Depends on how and why he says no.
If he is like no, I think a Deathnote site is not good, or we should wait, then yeah I say we wait, and I'll think bout it (Like I said he is my partner)
And if he says no, I don't have time for another one, I will probably do it and assure him we will make it strong and when we get 1000 members it will be ready to join up our chain ^_^
Hmm, I hope if he does say no..It will bc of the time..I kinda want you to help..I know I will help shugo as much as i can
I want to help. I have been coming up ideas with it like crazy.
I just hope he says yes.
Ya dont get me Wrong i hope he does too!
Cause, I mean him and I have made 3 sites together and like work alot...It'd feel weird if I went and worked on this site he turned down ya know?
Ya..But idk..It would feel weird for me if you did not..But ya i see what you are saying and its cool