by quater Fri Dec 07 2007, 19:49
I am the refferee of the match, and I have decided, that even though it gives off the effect of God Modding, after carefully reading, he was completely vulnerable to attacks the entire time and because Renden quit there is nothing we can really do about the match since Endless did win if Renden quit.
However due to this incident, Endless from now on, when you use a jutsu carefully explain all the terms each jutsu has in effect, since you say they were all preapproved by PF, and also you need to say how many terms each of your 3 move jutsus have left, so that way we can be sure to know exactly what you are working with, because as it is clear if you don't do those then the exact answer to a battle becomes very questionable, will appear to be God Modding, and of course lead to all this.