by happyangel Sun May 25 2008, 12:39
MissKat wrote:you don't like twilight?
I'm gonna get flamed by the millions of Twilight fans, but i don't care. i personally believe that the book is a whole pile of dog poop.
- I hate characters that are too perfect (AKA Edward)
- I hate chracters that have been given the sterotype damsel in distress, such as being clumsy, naive, Mary-Sue's (where everyone falls in love with her) and Bella fits this discription
- I hate the fact that Bella wnt emo after Edward left her. Stupid dependant clingy girls *rolls eyes*
- I hate the fact that the author has created a love story between Bella and Jacob straight after she spend the entire first book saying how Bella and edward can't live without each other
- For God's sake, Edward stalks Bella, this is not a healthy hobby.
- The story is unorginal. You should try Vampirates
- My friend constantly fangirls over it and even researched on the internet at what speed Edward was travelling to rescue Bella.