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    randomest film watched!


    Number of posts : 677
    Age : 31
    What's up Tab : is going cos-playing on saturaday and has pocky
    Fanclubs : sasusaku and naruhina fc
    Village : Cops
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    randomest film watched! Left_bar_bleue63 / 10063 / 100randomest film watched! Right_bar_bleue

    Registration date : 2009-04-09

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    randomest film watched! Empty randomest film watched!

    Post by sasusaku08 Sat Apr 11 2009, 09:57

    okay i was just watching monty python's meaning to life
    now for people who haven't watched it, it's starts with: 'old people who are doing accounting, they start to attack their bosses and the buliding they work in turns into a pirate ship and then they turn into pirates trying to ruin other accounting firms whilst singing'

    and that is only the beginning
    later follows fish with human faces.
    then the film really begins with the process of birth

    i turned the tv off and now i want to know what is the randomist film anyone has ever watched!!

    Number of posts : 61517
    Age : 461
    What's up Tab : randomest film watched! Ajqwx0
    Fanclubs : Neji & Kiba
    Village : Dragon
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    randomest film watched! Left_bar_bleue100 / 100100 / 100randomest film watched! Right_bar_bleue

    Registration date : 2008-10-26

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    randomest film watched! Empty Re: randomest film watched!

    Post by CLAIRVOYANTdisease Sat Apr 11 2009, 10:03

    ...You turned off a Monty Python film? :O

    Number of posts : 677
    Age : 31
    What's up Tab : is going cos-playing on saturaday and has pocky
    Fanclubs : sasusaku and naruhina fc
    Village : Cops
    Happiness bar :
    randomest film watched! Left_bar_bleue63 / 10063 / 100randomest film watched! Right_bar_bleue

    Registration date : 2009-04-09

    Natural: 0
    Power: 0
    Instinct: 0

    randomest film watched! Empty Re: randomest film watched!

    Post by sasusaku08 Sat Apr 11 2009, 10:15

    CLAIRVOYANTdisease wrote:...You turned off a Monty Python film? :O

    only when it got to the birthing part
    my dad was in the room

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    randomest film watched! Empty Re: randomest film watched!

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