Today was the 1st day of midterms~ man soo tiring they are. Being in 3 classes for 2hours each makes me super tired & hungry
My chem midterm was bleh....idk how many times i yawned in that class but it was a lot, I'm kinda nervous to see how i did on that.But like pretty much midterms are just exhausting to me in general, wouldn't you agree?
So my 1st per felt like forever in a way~
my third per was pretty easy test & pretty much everyone finished early, in a way i'm glad to leave that class cuz the teacher was suuupppeeer annoying but it was a easy class & i enjoyed photography & i'm going to miss my red group^^a great bunch of juniors they were, had plenty of fun times as a group & making fun of the teacher or complaining about stupid things she ignore our group at times *when we were pretty much the group with the highest grades & completed everything early & on time* she sometimes gave us the short end of the stick but we got thru it.
my last midterm of the day was rly rly annoying.we spent like the first hour doing nothing rly waiting for the dumb teacher cuz she was wasting our time.People were complaining of how she needed to stop wasting our time & give us the dumb test. there was like 15mins left b4 she even gave us our test & everyone was getting pist off & rowdy.Then she passed out this assignment we did & wanted us to correct it.Talk about stupid~
But that wasn't even the best part of it. After everyone got their test she wanted some ppl to go into the room next door to us*thats usually empty*but there was this teacher in there with her students.She told us that we couldn't take the test in there cuz she doesn't want to babysit ppl. it was rly soo gay. all we needed to do was a take a dumb final & she told our teacher that it was her classroom & to leave. 2 girls from our class were getting super mad & told the dumb ass teacher off saying she was wasting their time to take the final. it was pretty amusing seeing one of my friends bag on this retarded teacher. So everyone who was supposed to go in that class came back the classroom & we egging our teacher to call security on the other teacher.becuz it didn't belong to her & all the students in there were doing was watching a movie.
*then it was lunch time* it rly was quite annoying but super amusing in the end. So the last hour we just finished taking our midterm & the dumb ppl next door were being sooo loud. I'll be glad to get out of this dumb food class, hated it so much.
So thats pretty much how my day went~
Back to study for a super important Gov midterm now~ aaaah i'm soooo nervous for it tomorrow!!!
Midterms & leaving 2 electives~
CrispinFreemanWatcher16- Citizen
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