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I made some WOTN people on Sims 2! Yay
I made me
^0^ I look forward to laughing at it.
BTW free will is on, and no one is in couples! Personal 152946

by UreshiiQ - Comments: 13 - Views: 347
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Last week, I was in California, playing with the National Orchestra. (for those of you who don't know, it's made up of the best musicians in the country)

It was fantastic.

What's not so fantastic is the pile of wotn work I have noticed has piled up since I haven't been here. >_>;

fml. T_T

Anyways! I will work hard! ... Maybe tomorrow! :D

by Meika-Chan - Comments: 0 - Views: 276
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From Encounters with Canada!

My goodness, this past week was amazing, I met people from every province or territory except the Yukon, and learned so much this week

but now I'm back, so yeah, no mizukage curse for me, just was in canada's capital for awhile

by amaterasu - Comments: 4 - Views: 341
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Bored, rambly rant thingy! (Though probably more ramble than rant) xD
So if you're reading this, I've probably already wasted 3 seconds of your go do smoething usefull with the rest xD;;

Well, I'll start off with:
Don't you like the way you smell when you come out of the shower, and you're sitting there, smelling yourself if there is no other smells around? XD Random I know, but I just got out, and used my 'Luscious body wash'

by UreshiiQ - Comments: 0 - Views: 301
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I have to apologize for being so inactive lately. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't know why I was so inactive, because I do.
It's because I'm very distracted by another forum.

Uh, yeah. It's a 9 forum. And, 9 is my current obsession, so I've been...a bit busy with that as well.
I sorry WOTN.

Now, you're probably asking, "Abby, can't you do both forums at once?" And the answer is, no. Multitasking is pretty impossible for me, and I need my focus on one thing at a time.
I know, I sound kind of...

by Always-Abby - Comments: 13 - Views: 324
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But I'm a bit sad because I got a 90% on my last english test and it brought my total down Personal 543806

by amaterasu - Comments: 12 - Views: 363
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I always thought Q was at least being a little wrong about it! Dx

But then, I'm pretty sure I was way to addicted to it >_>' And then I crashed!
And I felt lonely, because everyone's gone >_<'

So yeah, pretty much useless blog ._.'

But it's true! I never really gotten into Gaia, except now! And then it's boring again xD I might go back every once in a while, but I think I'll pass on it for now >_O

WOTN shall take up all my time xD

by UreshiiQ - Comments: 8 - Views: 418
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I keep hearing this crazy moo-ing sound. I'm not sure if it's cows or someone snoring. I know for a fact I don't play FarmVille on Facebook, besides I have my sound off. Whatever the case, late night moo-ing creeps me out.

It's that time of the year again... the time of the year when your skin is really dry, no matter what. You thought I was gonna rant about Valentine's Day didn't you? HA! Wrong! Anyway, my skin has been REALLY DRY all week. I put lotion on like, not even a half an hour ago, and I've still got the dry-skin itch!

Today was a fantastic day outside. I even heard...

by PeinQAkatsuki - Comments: 15 - Views: 392
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Well, so this week was... better. Better than last week for sure. Don't know how much better, but still.

Art was pretty good. By Wednesday, I was moved back to sit with my friend who transferred in at semester. Which is cool. We talk a lot, so I hope my teacher doesn't move me or him. But I got my work done, so maybe not... I don't know. I'll still sit with him anyway hahaha.

Math is going good. I've been finishing my homework, not counting today because I left it at school (accidentally on purpose). It's getting easier, suprisingly, so I just hope it stays that way. I want...

by PeinQAkatsuki - Comments: 19 - Views: 386
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no, it's not my birthday. i don't really tell my birthday even if i'm asked.

although when persistent enough, i tell people it's in january (that's true). but that only.

again, if still persistent, i tell them to guess. from 1-31.

if weirdly, they choose everyday, i say no to all.

and if still stubborn, i give a fake date. different to everyone.

why? i just feel like it. so yeah, it's not today. but i'm gonna have to say that it's very near today. very, very near.

it's also very amusing that people in rl greeted me today too....

by Mikel - Comments: 76 - Views: 1206
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그깟 이별쯤 그깟 눈물쯤 얼마든지 부딪쳐도 괜찮아;
이제 더 이상 눈물 따윈 아껴둬 웃을 날이 더 많잖아.

Wonder Woman - SeeYa, Davichi, T-Ara

Woohoo, blargtime.

It's freaking hectic nowadays.

I still have a shitton of homework (which I'm not going to do) and an article to do for...

by theBOSS. - Comments: 19 - Views: 362
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Okie... this is the third time I've had to type this because of my stupid mouse... Abridged version!

So, some friends come over last weekend, as normal (ever wonder why I'm never here for the weekends? lol) I was talking to the mother, as she was walking by my room, and she started to get curious over my toe, seeing as I fell on it Friday. Slipped in some water, and my leg went under me, and 330 pounds of weight fell on it, never a wonderful feeling, adding in gravity and force and whatnot. Long story short on that, toe hurts, hard to walk, knees killing me, etc....

So, she...

by Lunami - Comments: 2 - Views: 265
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New OS

Well, seeing as that Windows XP will be phasing out soon, I decided to go back to my good old Linux distros, especially now that I got a faster computer that can handle this kinda thing. Besides... try doing this in Windows.

That's just purty.

Anyways, the only issue I'm having now is with wireless... seems the only way to fix that, is with Ethernet, which I don't have, cos my brother won't move the router closer to me so a cord can...

by Lunami - Comments: 6 - Views: 291
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is what I rewatched tonight.

The Land Before Time (1988)

its been over a decade since I last saw it as a little boy, and this time around, it is still as an excellent as a movie as it was back then, it is still funny and doesn't have sexual innuendos mixed into its dialogue, but actually teaches youth valuable lessons.

My goodness, this movie is the Best movie of all time.

by amaterasu - Comments: 5 - Views: 316
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Today was the 1st day of midterms~ man soo tiring they are. Being in 3 classes for 2hours each makes me super tired & hungry

My chem midterm was bleh....idk how many times i yawned in that class but it was a lot, I'm kinda nervous to see how i did on that.But like pretty much midterms are just exhausting to me in general, wouldn't you agree?
So my 1st per felt like forever in a way~
my third per was pretty easy test & pretty much everyone finished early, in a way i'm glad to leave that class cuz the teacher was suuupppeeer annoying but it was a easy class & i enjoyed...

by CrispinFreemanWatcher16 - Comments: 0 - Views: 257
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Hello, my name is Meika.

I'm a child in junior year, and I'm looking at my GPA.

I'm also looking at wotn, and I've come to decision.

The GPA needs to go up.

so for the next few days, I will not be on wotn. At all.

I'm terribly sorry, Storm, but I can't sacrifice my GPA for wotn, as much as I'd love to. I'm missing a TON of assignments and everything. For everyone's who clogging up my inbox, sorry, I'll get to all 30 of you later. For those people who I've recruited, sorry I'll get to you guys later too. For the people who are trying to...

by Meika-Chan - Comments: 7 - Views: 296
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So today I have officially been on WOTN for two years. Wow. That's like, mind blowing. I've met a bunch of awesome people, and I'm glad I followed that Quizilla journal post. Though I have no clue who recruited me (I wanna say their username had something to do with either kazekage or Gaara. Or both.), I thank them. Immensly. And I thank WOTN for making these two years AMAZING.

I'm posting a blogly LOLcat from now on because I love them to death. Enjoy:

by PeinQAkatsuki - Comments: 4 - Views: 391
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I have absdolutely none, this isnt a rant but more personaly experience. Its been forever. I work every day or every other day, and it seems as though the workplace makes you go more insane as time goes on. I really dont know what to do. the only salvation i get is when i finally get to see my lady jordan ann, or when me and my partner "13" compete

by Destinykil - Comments: 0 - Views: 283
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Yeahh i do believe so because in the past few houses ive lived in something always happened when i was alone or with 1 person in a room of some sort.

Duplex: me and
my little brother were home alone playing legos in the living room. we
were both quiet trying to build a spaceship. then in a whisper and a
little girls voice we heard "come here Thi(T)" coming from the
House before this one: me and my friend were sitting
in my room talking until she felt something happen to her left arm. we
looked at it and there were scratch marks...

by ThiCup - Comments: 4 - Views: 303
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I could have put Blaaaahhhgg to make it sound like 'blog', but I'm not going to get so cheesy.

So today was tired-making. First of all, which was like, the beginning of a good day, I was bored and drawing a rose and stuff, and my friend who's a REALLYUBERAWESOME artist said it looked good :O I was bored... and it was morning... and stuff.

Then in English we're writing letters about leadership and how we're leaders. Which isn't so bad, but I keep getting stuck because I'm not sure what to say. But it's getting there :D I'm proud of my letter.

Second hour was beast....

by PeinQAkatsuki - Comments: 4 - Views: 283
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KKQ has been unnaturally busy these last few weeks and has been neglecting wotn D: && she is sorry~
She also will try to get on as much as possible, even if that warrants only once a day :D

I think SC(Skill center) is busting my butt >.< There's one project after the other. That, added on to my regular school work (Algebra sucks) and the fact that if I decline ONE friend's offer of going somewhere, I'm considered fake, has me running around like a chicken with it's head cut off (I found a way to use that expression! :DD)

Then it's like I can never find any alone time...

by KarateKeyaQ - Comments: 3 - Views: 328
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I finally figured out why Naruto always says, "Believe it!"

I am totally serious about this! OK, here is my theory:

Naruto used to be a Jahovas witness. And he would always read that book, that Jahovas' witnesses read.

And he got pissed when people started doubting it.

So he finally said:

"Believe it!"


by RuinzOfBlood - Comments: 8 - Views: 299
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Very suggestive title indeed Personal 916656

But i am talking about boiled Eggs, one had a cracked shell so I took it out cleanly and it had a hole in one end but otehrwise perfectly intact, and I have had a fun time eating it, although it is not really tasty but still better than that packet of carrots once. Those were the worst carrots I have ever had, but i ate them all anyways.

I just cracked open the other Egg, And it doesn't look anymore promising, so yeah, my night time snack it pretty bad, at least they were not rotten...

by amaterasu - Comments: 7 - Views: 328
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hahah time for some narssiccism by Des. I love hitting the gym and seeing my muscles grow, makes me feel accomplished? What makes you all feel accomplished? Anything at all? I also like when i get paid, makes me feel on top of the world

by Destinykil - Comments: 11 - Views: 315
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Yup. Just. :3
But then I'm also a little sad, and mad xD
But I won't delve into that. :333
3 Day weekends, not because of Martin Luther King Day, but because of Teacher Workday. Thank ya great ole Texas.

by UreshiiQ - Comments: 0 - Views: 287
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what is the only time you ever feel completely at ease, a time or place where you forget all your problems, mine is the gym, i completely erase everything from my mind and i have the greatest time ever, share your places with me

by Destinykil - Comments: 1 - Views: 303
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but first the coolest of cool

Personal Gai22o

Okay, so basically, I need ideas for filming

And.......... GO!

by amaterasu - Comments: 4 - Views: 337
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I'm so glad that it's Saturday. No more putting up with the perverted minds at my WORK, at least til tomorrow.

I might watch some Naruto today, too! I feel sad for the poor Hokage, cause he
. Oh well, at least Tsunade comes in!

I'm also doing this blog, for a mission! But it's a cool mission, so I don't mind!

I've started so many paragraphs, using 'I' right now...

by UreshiiQ - Comments: 5 - Views: 301
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eeeeh....'oh crap'...???...=3
My jaw is all tingly. Sad part is, I know what is making my jaw feel all weird - my wisdom teeth.

But, oh no! They can't take my wisdom teeth out until they grow in completely! It's crap.

In other news, it's my birthday tomorrow. Yayness.

I am so happy, too! I'm playing this RPG with my friends on this one site, and it is Naruto - of course, and I am Tenten. And Kiba, Nami, Tsunade, Hinata - she left after a bit, Naomi, TenTen, and Neji are at this Hokage building.

And this evil dude shows up, and he looks at Tenten.


by RuinzOfBlood - Comments: 0 - Views: 317
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This is bloodly right now. --> =_____=;;;;'

It's not even 10 yet! D:

And why, may you ask, is our poor bloodly so tired?

Simple. The stupid one word that destroys my life. Procrastination. Semi.

Normally, I'm so worthless (in my parents words, haha xP) that I don't even do assignments until weeks after they're due. But due to deathykin's screaming yesterday or was it the day before yesterday? on aim, I decided that this would be the first english paper ever ! to be handed in on time. So I REALLY WAS gonna do it last night, but I got distracted. Really....

by Meika-Chan - Comments: 6 - Views: 275
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